1101 Cypress Creek Road n Cedar Park, Texas 78613, USA n 1-512-258-9478 n FAX 1-512-258-0740
HRN-0118 Horn Antenna
Product Overview
The TDK HRN-0118 Horn Antenna is a wide
band, double-ridged horn used to transmit and
receive microwave signals over the frequency
range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz.
The HRN-0118 generates high electric fields re-
quired for radiated immunity and emissions meas-
urements, and features high gain, low VSWR, mod-
erate power handling (500W), and a robust me-
chanical design.
n   Emissions testing
n   Immunity testing
n   Operating frequency of 1 GHz to 18 GHz
n   High gain
n   Low VSWR
n   Robust mechanical design
The TDK HRN-0118 Horn Antenna is designed
specifically for radiated emissions and immuni-
ty measurements in EMC test environments.
The HRN-0118 provides optimal performance
over the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz.
n   Antenna Tripod TRI-150R
The TDK TRI-150R antenna tripod is a manual-
ly adjusted tripod (100 cm to 150 cm) de-
signed for quick and easy mounting in EMC
test environments.